After weeks of saying I was going to attend an Out of the Ordinary support meeting,I decided to take control of my anxiety and walk through the door ... I was welcomed straight away by Laura and made to feel at ease.. she asked me to fill in some confidentiality forms and then made me a coffee, I sat down and smiled at the lady next to me....
We then went on to have a few ice breaker questions and told everyone our names and a little background of why we needed to access support from Out of the Ordinary
A group discussion and a few coffees later I was totally at ease and continued to attend the group in the following months, I was also happy to go on walks with Laura also as part of Out of the Ordinary into the outdoors,
12 months later and the support I've received from Out of the Ordinary has been amazing so much so that I've even became part of the team and I now run Out of the Ordinary with Laura, I would recommend Out of the Ordinarys support to anyone that has a child with disabilities and/or additional needs we become more than a support network we become friends,
We are based in salterbeck workington but are always available to support you no matter where you live, we are available via zoom,what's app,walk and talk and also group support, you don't have to be lonely,
Both myself and Laura have disabled children so believe me when I say "we understand you" Leanne xxx
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Well done
Had a great time today walking with miss Laura Telford,today I was finding all aspects off my life troubling but with a little help my day got back on track
I was feeling very low and confused with my daily life problems from junior school to secondary school and then to college my children all had some sort of issue but with a little walk and talk the problems wer made that much smaller so thank you for your help and look forward to our next session